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Old 04-20-2012, 02:37 PM
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Kevney #9 {Kevin Costner|Whitney Houston}: "I Kissed Her Once For America And Once For Myself"

Welcome To The Whitney & Kevin Discussion|Shipper Thread #10!

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Rachel Farmer





True Daisy lover





"Whitney if you could hear me now, you weren't just good enough, you were great. People just don't like you Whitney, they love you." "Off you go Whitney, off you go."

"It's very easy to fall in love with Whitney"

"I promised her two things," "That I would be right there with her, and she would not be bad."

"It was really nice, really a joy to work with Kevin," , "and it had a lot to do with his personality. He is down-to-earth; he doesn't trip. He's into his work. And he's very kind, he's effective and he's considerate".

"That was more exciting for me than the actual idea that he is this hunk Kevin Costner. Yes, he's a hunk and he's sexy. We all know that, but that's not what I was looking for."

"We kind of made a deal," "He loves to sing, he loves music"

"Okay, Kevin, I'll help you with your singing if you help me with the acting."

"I Kissed Her Once For America And Once For Myself"





Kevin & Whitney


The Kevney Forum (A Place To Discuss More Of Kevney [Kevin|Whitney] & Franchel [Frank|Rachel]


Their Characters Thread:

Future Titles:

The Feeling Of Love Was Mutual, But Not Always Vocal

He Waited For Her

They Were A World Class Couple

Their Love Wasn't Meant To Be, But They Still Held Onto It All Those Years

They Were In Love, But It Wasn't Meant To Be

Not Meant To Be, But Still Soulmates

He Gets So Emotional Every Time He Thinks of Her

They Had The Greatest Love Story Never Told

He Knew He Loved Her Before He Met Her

An Endless Love

Their Love Will Never Die

They were soulmates Before The Bodyguard

He Loved Her No Matter What

They Were MFEO & MTBT

She Was The Love Of His Life

They Had A Secret Love And Eternal Bond

Whitney Is The Only One Who Gets The LOVE And Twice

They Acted Like Husband & Wife Even Though They Weren't

He Took Care Of Her

They Took Care Of Each Other

They Missed Their Destiny

Previous Threads:

Kevin's Eulogy To His One True Love, Whitney.

I'd like to thank Cissy and Dionne for the honor of being here, for everybody in the Church treating my wife and I so gracefully. I'll say some stories, maybe some of them you know, maybe some of them you don't. I wrote them down because I didn't want to miss anything. A song "I will always love you” almost wasn't. It wasn't supposed to be in the movie. The first choice was going to be "What becomes of a broken heart", but it had been out the year before in another movie and we felt it wouldn't have the impact, and so we couldn't use it. So what becomes of our broken hearts? Whitney returns home today to the place where it all began, and I urge us all inside and outside, across the nation and around the world to dry our tears, suspend our sorrow and perhaps our anger just long enough, just long enough to remember the sweet miracle of Whitney. Never forgetting that Cissy and Bobbi Kristina are sitting among us. Your mother and I had a lot in common. I know many at this moment are thinking, really? She's a girl, you're a boy. You're white. She's black. We heard you like to sing, but our sister could really sing. So what am I talking about? Kevin Costner and Whitney Houston, they don't have anything in common at all. Well, you'd be wrong about that. We both grew up in the Baptist Church.

It wasn't as big as this. My grandmother played the piano, and she led the choir, and her two daughters, my mom and my aunt both sang in it. The rest of my family, uncles, cousins sat every Sunday out front and watched. My earliest memories are tied to that old Church in paramount. I remember seeing a gold shovel going into the ground and people praying about it and thinking, wow, something big was going to go here, and I watched my father and the rest of the men build it from the ground up. I was probably 4 years old and seemed to be always in the way. I wanted to help. I wanted to be in on the action. One of the men snapped down a red line where the choir would be standing one day and said, "have at it", as many nails as you want all in this line. I always took great comfort in watching my mom and aunt sing knowing that they would never fall through that floor where I had worked. The Church was the center of our social life and Whitney and I would laugh knowing it was also the place where we could really get into big trouble especially when you were allowed to sit with your friends and not your parents in the big Church. I remember more than once being pulled from the pew for whispering and passing notes. I don't believe my feet ever hit the floor as my father hauled me outside in front of everyone. I believed even the preacher prayed for me. Whitney's favorite story of mine was me sneaking into the Church kitchen after communion. I liked the little glasses of grape juice that were left over. I liked how they felt in my hand. I couldn't have been over 6 at the time, but I would lean against the table and one by one I would knock them back. Having some image near conversation with someone my father would find me and ask me what I was doing. I told him I was a cowboy and I was drinking whiskey. I don't think my feet touched the floor that day either.

It was easy for us to laugh. The Church was what we knew. It was our private bond. I can see her in my own mind running around here as a skinny little girl knowing everyone, everyone's business, knowing every inch of this place. I can also see her in trouble, too. Trying to use that beautiful smile, trying to talk her way out of it and Cissy not having any of it. Mostly the days of Church were good ones for us and we both remembered how our parents tried to explain God and the plan he had for our lives and we agreed that there was this feeling, this promise that if somehow we listened carefully God's voice would somehow come to us. I told Whitney that I always worried God was going to ask me to be a Preacher. I wasn't sure how much fun ours had. Whitney told me she wasn't worried at all. She wasn't going to wait for a whisper. She was going to be like her cousin Dionne and her beautiful mother Cissy. There is no doubt that she has joined their ranks and as the debate heats up this century and it surely will, about the greatest singer of the last century, as the lists are drawn, they will have little meaning to me if her name is not on it.

But as sure as I am of Whitney's place in musical history, from the first time she took center stage here as a teenager, flushed with the excitement that she had exceeded everyone's expectations and awesome promise of what was to come. It's still needing to hear from her mother about how she was received. Was she good enough? Could I have done better? Did they really like me? Or are they just being polite because they were scared of you, Cissy? These are the private questions that Whitney would always have that would always follow her. At the height of her fame as a singer I asked her to be my co-star in a movie called "The Bodyguard." I thought she was the perfect choice, but the red flags came out immediately. Maybe I should think this over a bit. I was reminded that this would be her first acting role. We could also think about another singer, was a suggestion. Maybe somebody white. Nobody ever said it out loud, but it was a fair question, it was. There would be a lot riding on this, maybe a more experienced person was the way to go. It was clear, I needed to think about this. I told everyone that I had taken notice that Whitney was black. The only problem was I thought she was perfect for what we were trying to do. There was a bit of relief in the room when we found out that Whitney was going to be on tour and she wouldn't be available for our movie. The anxiety came right back when I said we should postpone and wait a year.

That was a lot for the studio to accept, and to their credit, they did but not without a screen test. Whitney would have to earn it. That was the first time I saw the doubt. The doubt creep into her that she would not be handed the part. She would have to be great. The day the test came I went into her trailer after the hair and makeup people were done, Whitney was scared. Arguably, the biggest pop star in the world wasn't sure if she was good enough. She didn't think she looked right. There were a thousand things to her that seemed wrong. I held her hand and told her that she looked beautiful. I told her that I would be with her every step of the way, that everyone there wanted her to succeed, but I could still feel the doubt. I wanted to tell her that the game was rigged. That I didn't care how the test went, that she could fall down and start speaking in tongues, that somehow I would find a way to explain it as an extraordinary acting choice.

And we could expect more to follow, and gee, weren't we lucky to have her. That wouldn't have been fair. It wouldn't have been fair to Lawrence who had written the screenplay 15 years earlier. It wouldn't have been fair to Warner Brothers and it wasn't the right signal to send to Whitney. She took it all in and asked me if she could have a few minutes by herself and would meet me on the set. I was sure she was praying. After about 20 minutes later she came out. We hadn't said four lines when we had to stop. The lights were turned off, and I walked Whitney off the set and back to her room. She wanted to know what was wrong, and I needed to know what she'd done during those 20 minutes. She said, "nothing." in only the way she could, nothing. So I turned her around so that she could see herself in the mirror and she gasped. All of the makeup on Whitney's face was running. It was streaking down her face and she was devastated. She didn't feel like the makeup we put on her was enough so she'd wiped it off and put on the makeup that she was used to wearing in her music videos. It was much thicker and the hot lights had melted it. She asked if anyone had seen -- if anyone had, I said I didn't think so. It happened so quick, she seemed so small and sad at that moment, and I asked her why she did it? She said I just wanted to look my best. It's a tree we can all hang from. Unexplainable burden that comes with fame, call it doubt, call it fear. I've had mine, and I know the famous in the room have had theirs. I asked her to trust me and she said she would. A half hour later she went back in to do her screen test and the studio fell in love with her. The Whitney I knew, despite her success and worldwide fame still wondered am I good enough? Am I pretty enough? Will they like me? It was the burden that made her great, and the part that caused her to stumble in the end. Whitney, if you could hear me now I would tell you, you weren't just good enough, you were great. You sang the whole damn song without a band. You made the picture what it was. A lot of leading men could have played my part. A lot of guys could have filled that role, but you. Whitney, I truly believe were the only one that could have played Rachel Marron at that time.

You weren't just pretty, you were as beautiful as a woman could be. People didn't just like you, Whitney, they loved you. I was your pretend bodyguard once not so long ago, and now you're gone, too soon, leaving us with memories, memories of a little girl that stepped bravely in front of this Church, in front of the ones that loved you first. In front of the ones that loved you best and loved you the longest. The bolder you stepped into the white hot light of the world stage, and what you did is the rarest of achievements. You set the bar so high that professional singers, your own colleagues, they don't want to sing that little country song. What would be the point? Now the only ones who sing your songs are young girls like you, who are dreaming of being you some day, and so do you Bobbi Kristina and to all those young girls who are dreaming that dream, that maybe thinking are they good enough? I think Whitney would tell you guard your bodies, guard the precious miracle of your own life, and then sing your hearts out knowing that there's a lady in Heaven who is making God himself wonder how he created something so perfect. So off you go, Whitney, off you go. Escorted by an army of angels to your heavenly Father, and when you sing before him don't you worry, you'll be good enough.

A Glimpse Into Two Worlds: Kevney

God gave Whitney a glimpse of what her life would be like had she married someone with Kevin's character, He gave her a glimpse of what it would be liked to be loved unconditionally, a glimpse of what it is like to be respected by a man, a glimpse of what it is like to be treated like a lady, a glimpse of what it is like to be given compliments, a glimpse of what it is like to be accepted for who you are. I firmly believe that Kevin had discernment when he saw the script of the Bodyguard, and he knew in his heart of hearts that Whitney should be his leading lady, but at the same time he could not understand why. He could of sat on his own questioning God as to why he had the strong urge to have her act alongside of him - he went against all odds to have her, even decided to wait ONE WHOLE YEAR for her to complete her tour. The glimpse she saw about Kevin she might have never experienced it before with any other man that she might have been in a relationship with, and maybe just maybe she did not know how to embrace such love and respect. Recalling she was already in a relationship with the other person. She had a glimpse of what it is like to be transparent with Kevin and to see his transparency as well, a glimpse of showing her vulnerable side yet being told "it is okay"

Kevin was already in a marriage when he strongly wanted her to act with him, she had already entered and seen the glimpse of the world she was about to enter. Two years later he divorces, a year after the Bodyguard she gives birth to a little girl (stand corrected with her daughter's birth year) - was this the world she had to share with Kevin maybe, who knows - did he ever share with her that he wanted her in his world, I cannot say - yet to this day he has hidden her in the corner of his heart where in his quiet moments he can reflect on much.

On the flip side of the same coin, she has a glimpse of how a man can disrespect her (the other person), a glimpse of verbal abuse, a glimpse of emotional abuse, a glimpse of being put through every psychological abuse that any human could of experienced. A glimpse of never been told she is beautiful, a glimpse of never been told she is talented etc. she gave love but did not receive love, she gave respect but did not receive respect, she showed her transparent side but did not receive the same, she showed her vulnerability but was never protected from harm. I believe this person only stepped into her life to be a destructive force, to rob her of her God given talent, rob her of her wealth, her looks, her character and all that needed to be stripped from her life, and once the deed was done walk away and leave her to the wolves to complete that which was started.

One coin, yet a glimpse into two different worlds - one man sent to bless her (Kevin), the other enters to be a curse (the other person)


Please be advised that I have moved, I received a call from God, the Chief Architect the other day, and He informed me that my new home was complete.

You all knew that I had been working on my new residence, sending up my timber, packing up and getting ready to go. I know that my house needed some finishing touches and that the Chief Carpenter, Jesus Christ had to inspect it and give me the final approval. On Saturday, February 11, 2012 around 3:55pm He let me know that my home was complete and that it was ok to move in. So He told me to go ahead and change my address.

Well, my new home is finished and what a sight it is to behold. It is located on an exclusive estate area behind a beautiful pearly gate. It is just over the other side of serene celestial shore. Of course, you know the streets are paved with gold and every day is Sunday, just like you've been told. Trees with twelve manners of fruit grace my garden here, and I can walk and talk with my Master with not a worry or care.

I lived in a home built by man, for only a short time, but my new home is so much better than any other place I've ever lived. There is peace here, joy, happiness, no pain, no heartaches, no strife or discontentment, only sweet serenity. I can dine at the Master's bountiful table and listen to a Heavenly choir and best of all, my Heavenly Father is all His Glory.

Oh yes, I have my own designer here who has fitted me with my very own white robe and wings. I could go on and on about my new home, but instead, I'm going to pray that you get to move here yourself one day. Before I go, let me give you my new address:

Whitney Elizabeth Houston.

1963 Heavenly Way.

Godstown, Heaven

A Mother's Letter To Her Baby:

Dearest Whitney:

The presence of God blessed our home with life, love, joy and peace. You and your brothers were the center of divine love attracting God’s richest blessings. You were a child of God. We had so much love in our home that was truly from on high.

You always gave without expecting anything in return and our love was the force that multiplied these blessings higher and higher. I never told you that when you were born the Holy Spirit told me that you would not be with me long and I thank God for the beautiful flower he allowed me to raise and cherish for 48 years.

God said it’s time Nippy; your work is done. The other day on February 11th He came for you. But not without warning. For two months now I have been depressed, crying, lonesome and sad not knowing why.

On Saturday, before I found out about your transition, my doorbell rang. I went to answer it but there was no one there. It rang again and again, no one was there so I called the concierge to tell him someone was ringing my doorbell. He checked the cameras and told me that no one was there. You promised me you were coming to spend time with me after the Grammys. I believe the spirits allowed you to come after all.

How I love you Nippy and how I miss you, your beautiful smile, your special little things you used to say to me and sometimes you’d call just to say “hi Mommie, I love you so much,” I loved you so much more.

I love you,

I’ll miss you,

Thank you for being such a wonderful daughter.

Rest my baby girl in Peace, you’re now in the arms of Jesus.

Love, Mommie

A Daughter's Words:


Having the refreshing presence of God,
Is such a great gift.
And to be refreshed and watered,
To grow as a lily,
Is love in action.
You are a true beauty


Kevney Conversations:

WH: (Dials phone. Listens to the ring) Pick up, pick up, pick up.
KC: Whit!!
WH: Good morning, Kevin. I'm glad I got you this time.
KC: What's new my dear?
WH: You know what's new. This package came in the mail, a gorgeous red dress and shoes. I think I can guess where they came from, although the card was not signed.
KC: Yeah! Do you like the dress?
WH: Well, it's a great dress. I have no problems wearing red. The neckline is a little daring...
KC: Nonsense! What are you talking about? You could pull anything off. You're going to look amazing, standing up there with Ali, making your remarks. And then the after party ...
WH: Just try to settle down and not be obvious. Last time we ran into each other someone, who shall remain nameless ...
KC: Oh, come on!
WH: Someone got all touchy feely in front of the cameras. So I had to drop a drug in the photographer's drink and delete all the pictures from his memory card.
KC: It was a peck on the cheek between old friends.
WH: Ya planted one on me! In the middle of an after party! Thank God the Pitts were cranking out ... what, kid #5, #6? I lose track. Well, thank God they were at the same party and everybody hounded them and ignored us. And Demi and Ashton. Oooh, thank the Lord for cougars and baby mamas. Age can be a good cover when you want to get away with something.
KC: Get away with what?!
WH: You know what! And I have a half a mind to wear a different dress in Scottsdale. To teach you a lesson.
KC: Oh for goodness sake, Whit. Take a compliment. Take a present. Just wear the dress, and I swear I'll be on my best behavior. People will think I'm your uncle, I'll be so well behaved. Promise.

April 6, 2008

WH: Hello?
KC: Whit! You picked up the phone. Alright; OK. I admit I made a tiny scene. But honestly I think you care too much about what people think.
WH: Kevin, I really don't believe you sometimes. I TOLD you to be cool. Stepping over three waiters and two tables to get to me was not cool. We'll be all over the gossip shows in a minute. And those shyitt blogs too!!
KC: Oh Lord. Here we go. Can't you just accept that you looked a-maazing? And that's saying something, because Halle Berry was there and she didn't outshine you. Come on!
WH: What about the arm around the waist, Kev? People were looking.
KC: They're jealous! How many women your age look like they're still 20? And any guy with a man's brain wishes he were me with his arm around you.
WH: I do not look like I'm still 20, and you know it.
KC: OK, 25. I'm not letting you off the hook. You can't deny a man the pleasure of serenading the prettiest lady in the room. In the red dress that he bought her! Yeah! That's what movies and songs are all about, Whit.
WH: Listen to me, Kevin. People. Are going. To talk.
KC: They. Are haters. Forget them.
WH: You're so hard-headed! Do i have to whup your @ss? You better watch it. You're messing with a heavy weight from Newark.
KC: I'm from Compton! Bring it on.
WH: Oh Lord. I don't know why I keep giving you chances.
KC: Real love never dies, Whit. Even if you do put me in the friend box.

Two Kisses:

WH: (Picks up phone) Hello?
KC: Hey Whit. Did you see Good Morning America?
WH: I sure did. And I'm glad that you called so we could talk about it.
KC: Alright!
WH: What do you mean 'alright!' Stop the fist pump and listen to what I have to tell you. For once.
KC: Oh, here we go again. What did I do this time?
WH: Well Kevin. The thing is, your interview is already up on YouTube. Some of these bloggers move too fast for me! Anyway, People can see you giggle, light up, play with your ear, shimmie your shoulders, and all. And did you have to say "Man, that girl. she just has it?!"
KC: But you DO have it! You're never going to lose it. And when you're in Heaven—a long time from now, hopefully—you'll be the most beautiful angel there. You'll start a brawl in Heaven over who gets to sit next to you, I just know it.
WH: Oh, God. What am I going to do with you?
KC: Don't say 'do' and 'I' in the same sentence to me, Whit. That's usually when Christine starts spying on me.
WH: She knows that we talk?
KC: Yeah, she can tell. That's why we didn't really have much contact after the Ali dinner. It was 'Celebrity Fight Night' for real after those pictures came out.
WH: Whaaat? She got a good left hook, right? That's why we got to be cool. Let me ask you about the part where you said ... lemme replay it. "I kissed her once for everybody in America, and I kissed her once for myself." WTF, Kevin? You weren't supposed to TELL THE WORLD about that.
KC: It was totally necessary, for production purposes.
WH: Ugh, please. But I did my part. I lied to that British reporter when he asked me if you were a good kisser. For B---y's sake. I flipped it around to be about B---y. And because Cindy looks like she could scrap.
KC: Whitney you worry too much.
WH: I'm talking to Oprah soon! You know Oprah. If she smells smoke, she'll search out the fire.
KC: Whitney, settle down. Everybody is going to love it. Isn't it the most romantic thing anyone ever said? Admit it.
WH: Yeah ...
KC: And you know me. If you give me a camera, I'm gonna talk about Whitney. Them's the rules and 18 years won't change it. Anyway, let Oprah search. She's a smart girl. She probably already knows how I feel. In fact, the only person on this planet who doesn't know how I feel, and who SHOULD ACCEPT how I feel, is you. I bet Cissy knows. She's not stupid. She's certainly not the Queen of Denial, like her daughter.
WH: Hey, yo, this is not about me. You need to keep cool and not bring my name into scandal with a married man. If you keep talking like that, I will have to lay you out!
KC: Whitney, anytime you want to lay me out, just call.

KC: Hey Whit. Just calling to see if you got the basket for Baby Krissy. There's a Mother's Day gift in it for you, too. Call me.
WH: Yes, Kevin. I got the basket. The mailman delivered it. Along with the latest People magazine. I read what you told the reporter. I read it "all afternoon."
KC: Oh ****. But you know, Whitney, I-I-I don't think you should get all worked up when you've just had a baby. New mothers need -
WH: Don't you try to tell me what new mothers need. I need you to have some self-control and be quiet.
KC: Be quiet about what?
WH: You told People magazine that we did a steamy love scene all afternoon. Do you know what 'we did it' means? It means to bump & grind, to tap that and if we lived in England, it would mean to sh-g. Come on, Kevin. You know what that means.
KC: Not really, I only said we did it from a production standpoint. The reporter took the whole thing out of context. You know People magazine is nothing but a gossip rag.
WH: Kiss my ass, "production standpoint." and the thing is, you had to go and grin about it. It says right here: a satisfied smile. Ugh! Kevin, you nnaasty! This is straight outta high school. You might as well be the quarter back telling everybody you did it with the homecoming queen on prom night. And if they are nothing but a gossip rag, why are you talking to them?
KC: I think I read somewhere that dressing people down stops the breast milk.
WH: You did not read that anywhere!
KC: Whitney, calm down. Your baby needs a serene Mommy.
WH: What my baby needs is for Mr. Kevin to stop bragging that he "did it" with her mother all afternoon. And you know why I'm mad? You did this before with the Leeza Gibbons interview. There you were, running your mouth about how it was all real and passionate. You should have gotten that out of your system.
KC: It needs to be real and passionate. Otherwise it's not believable and the movie tickets won't sell.
WH: I can sell movie tickets. And I don't need people to picture me buck nekked, thrashing around all afternoon to sell tickets.
KC: I know you can sell tickets. You're a lady, you're a sister and guys love you. We pulled those scenes b/c Rachel Marron is not a floozie, who would jump on every man she met, and it just didn't come across right for her to get crazy all night with Frank Farmer on the first date.
WH: (silent)
KC: Besides; I'm not the only one who talked to the press about the sex factor.
WH: Excuse me, what?!! I never said nothing to No-body! You don't know what you're talking about.
KC: I recall an interview that ran in the January issue of Ebony magazine. Someone called her leading man a hunk four times in two paragraphs and threw in a little "sexy" to boot. So if you do the math, four hunks multiplied by one sexy equals four sexy hunks. Therefore, someone should have a little more compassion for her co-star.
WH: That's some bull----!
KC: Look, I said I wouldn't let you fail and you're the hottest woman on screen right now. I knew you could pull this off. Every guy in America wishes he were Frank Farmer right now, because Frank fell in love with a lady, not a ho', I promise you that.
WH: Mm-hmm. You would say anything to get out of trouble. I bet you have a lot of practice. I bet Cindy has to kick your butt very two weeks just to keep you in check. She's a saint.
KC: Pretty much
WH: OK you don't have to go to the doghouse. This time. But I still sent back the bracelet.
KC: What! That was a Mother's day gift.
WH: The basket I'll keep, for the baby. But you have no business sending jewelry to a married woman who ain't even thinking about you.
KC: *sighs* OK Whitney you win. But before I go, congratulations on The baby. She's a beauty and I can tell the two of you are going to be as close as a mother and daughter can be.
WH: Thank you Kevin. That's sweet.
KC: She's a lucky baby. She has a gifted, smart, hard-working, world-class beautiful superstar for a mom who is brimming over with love for her. Really, Whitney, I'm excited for you both.
WH: Dammit Kevin, that's beautiful. Maybe it's the h-hormones, but I think I'm g-gonna cryyy!!!
KC: No don't do that! Everything is so lovely. You have your movie, your album, your mom. But then again, a lot of women go through this with the firstborn. And you're dealing with a lot right now.
WH: You forgot Bobbeeee! (sobs hard)
KC: Yeah, him too.
WH: Did Cindy go through this? Cindy too? (sniffs)
KC: Maybe.
WH: I met her. She's cool. You don't deserve h-huurrr, running your mouth everywhere you go-ohhh!!
KC: You're probably right. OK, Whit, I've kept you on the phone long enough. I'll let your family take you back. But let's talk again. And soon.
WH: OK. (composing herself) OK. But the (hiccup) next time you sit down with a (hiccup) reporter about me, you better not (hiccup) get fresh. Or else Imma feed you a knuckle sandwich. Find you and kick ya ass.
KC: I wouldn't trade a Whitney @SS whippin' for the world.

KC: (picks up phone) Whitney, omigod. Is everything OK? Why are you calling me? It's usually the opposite. It's so early.
CH: Everything is fine. Settle down.
KC: It's Cissy right? Something happened. Don't tell me it's Bobbi Kristina. Dionne?
WH: Kevin, please settle down. I'm OK. Everyone is OK.
KC: Well, thank God. Well then, what's up?
WH: I'd like your company while I sit and read the morning paper. The USA Today has an interesting story about you.
KC: Oh yeah? I'll have to get a copy. That Karen is a smart girl.
WH: And resourceful. She quoted you saying something about me.
KC: I say a lot of things about a lot of people, Whit.
WH: Shaking the paper. It says here, among other things, about Whitney. "I love her. I'll always love her."
KC: (Scratching his head.) Yeah, well what's wrong with that?
WH: You keep breaking the pact. We have a no yapping pact. Have you forgotten or do you not care?
KC: Which is going to get me into less trouble?
WH: You're in it no matter what.
KC: Well, I go for renegotiating the pact. It's not too late.
WH: What you talking about? I'm married.
KC: If you wanna call it that, sure. I call it zoo keeping.
WH: What? What are you trying to say about Bobbi Kristina's father??
KC: That it shoulda been me. Case closed.
WH: Case ain't closed. I will—
KC: I wish you would stop threatening to beat me up and just do it. Just fly out to LA and confront me. Just throw me down and lay your hands on me, already. This is torture.
WH: Lord help me with this man. I just can't.
KC: Whitney what is the big deal? Everyone in L.A. says 'I love you. I love her. I love him.' It's that kind of place.
WH: OK, but all the other ladies got nice, respectable, professional comments. Renee Russo, with her gorgeous self, is your 'gal pal,' and on and on. I'm the only one you singled out like this. You are sending smoke signals, Kevin, and people will talk.
KC: What is the big deal about saying how I feel? I'm an honest, simple guy. A country gentleman. I loved that part. And when I love someone I say it.
WH: You are MARRYING someone else!! What planet do you live on?
KC: Look, I wouldn't be doing this if someone had stayed single like I asked her to—
WH: Just stop it, OK? Or else I'm finished with you. And this time I mean it.
KC: Not this time. What's the big damned deal saying what I feel?
WH: It's not proper. And it's hard on me. People are going to make me out to be a home wrecking, marrying white, dissing black men, all kinds of things. I can't take it.
KC: I wouldn't let those sthiheads say anything horrible about you.
WH: (silent)
KC: Your birthday is coming up. What would you like? Jewelry? Hot shoes? A divorce?
WH: I want you to please stop drawing uncomfortable attention to me.
KC: OK. But I'd like to give you something for your birthday.
WH: I want Bobbi Kristina to continue growing up beautiful, and peace of mind.
KC: Well, I'll surprise you. I wish you were sitting here next to me, on my tractor now. It's beautiful and quiet out here in Colorado in the morning. You would have all the peace you want. Right next to me, every morning.
WH: Kevin, dammit. I hate it when you do that. (sobbing) And I'm home. I can't wake up the house with my cryiiiing!!
KC: I'm always going to love you, Whitney. You're like a quiet, brilliant sunrise. As long as there are sunrises, I will love Whitney. Tell the tabloids I said to **** off.
WH: Ooooh (sobbing) I had to step outside. And it's hot as h*ll outside in Georgia. Kevin!
KC: Yeah, Whit?
WH: I love (hiccup) you (hiccup) too.

WH: Kevin. I told you to keep it short. Now everybody and their mama is talking about me and my business again.
KC: Sorry, sweetie.
WH: Don't CALL ME THAT!! You know these British reporters hack people's cell phones. Don't let me have to meet you in the kitchen, Kevin. That's it. No more interviews. Stop mentioning the whole 'Diana Ross' love connection. Don't say it Norway, Canada, Germany, nowhere, OK?
KC: You're starting to sound like Christine.
WH: That's 'cause she's right. And the next time I catch you lighting up and talking about me, I'm going to your house, and me and Christine are going to sit in your kitchen and wait for you. You hear me, Gomez??
KC: I'll always love you, Nippy.

KC: Ummm,Whitney. I was watching this talk show with Sharon Osbourne and bunch of other women. And LaToya Jackson.
WH: Oh Lord. What is this? The 'affair' rumor again?
KC: You heard about it?!
WH: Oh yes. And let me tell you I am not in the mood for Jermaine, with his gossiping self.
KC: You have to deny it. You need to issue a statement right away.
WH: Pat and I are working on a statement ...
KC: Ugh. Her? Mmmm. Shady. She'll send you to TMZ.
WH: Kevin; don't start. That's my sister.
KC: Evil step-sister-in-law.
WH: Kevin; I have enough problems. I have to write this statement. I've been through 15 drafts already. I took out all references to @ss whuppins, freak sisters, eclipsed by your baby brother, minor talent, nobody cares and everybody wants to buy Janet's clothes not your trashy book.
KC: Good start.
WH: And I said don't let me have to slap the crap out of you.
KC: You should take that out. Slaps are a me & you thing. I don't share Whitney slaps.
WH: I'm just making a point. And there is no 'me & you thing,' Kevin.
KC: This again.
WH: I'm serious. Did you call me to fuss?
KC: I wish you would fuss over me.

WH: (Picks up phone) Helloooo. Talk to me. I saw your number.
KC: You dragged out that 'helllooo.' Someone's in a good mood.
WH: The movie is out. I'm really excited. It's shot on location in Newark and Paterson. Some of my old stomping grounds. You should take the kids to see it.
KC: Yeah maybe. So, umm. You and Denzel got along well.
WH: We did! He's a perfect gentleman. We all had fun cutting up—
KC: Yeah and I saw him 'helping' you across the ice rink and the snow banks, too. Is that your new friend?
WH: Yes, he is, Mr. Costner. You have a problem with it?
KC: I just don't see why he needed to have his hands all over you like that. He's supposedly an angel. Maybe he should try acting like one. And this supposed to be a family holiday movie. Kids are watching.
WH: (Muffled sounds. The phone drops. She picks it up again) Boooby! Are you trying to fake Kevin's voice? Again? You need to stop tripping every time I get a casting call trying to spy on me.
KC: It's Kevin, Whit. Not that other one.
WH: You must be out your d*mn mind! It's not enough that every time an old magazine picture runs of me and you, the movie commercials play, the mailman drops the letters, the waiter tells me about the menu that Boooby has to cop an attitude. Not you, too!
KC: I'm not copping an attitude. I just don't see why his hands were all on your waist the ENTIRE movie. And what kind of an angel takes a preacher's wife to a night club. A fake one. Did he slip you a tequila?
WH: His hands were not all on my waist the entire nothing. Are you insane? Anyway, don't you have a supermodel live in girlfriend or something? Why you sweatin' me?! Stop trippin.
KC: I'm not trippin' at all.
WH: Well good.
KC: Fine.

KC: (waits for phone to ring & pickup) Hey Whit!!
WH: Morning
KC: You OK? You sound flat.
WH: What?! I am never flat. Whoever said that is a damn lie. I was put here to sing.
KC: Whoa, whoa, wait a minute now. Let's not get upset. Who's bugging you? Booooby?
WH: A little of that. I went and did something that I never do, and now I know why.
KC: What was that? Whatever it is, I forgive you.
WH: I don't need your forgiveness. Should be the other way around. I was reading a blog and it said you were trying to do The Bodyguard 2 with Lady Diana. That you tried to and even had a talk with her.
KC: Yeah, I saw that. It's true.
WH: Ugh. All this time you over here acting like 'Whitney's this' and 'Whitney's that,' but in reality you were moving on your next movie virgin.
KC: What?!?! Where is this coming from? It was only a conversation. Or two. Anyway, we didn't talk about actually signing a commitment, or anything, we talked about what if we did The Bodyguard 2. Totally different.
WH: I bet you were grinning and smiling when you talked about her. Just like Whitney.
KC: Hallelujah ... she's jealous!!
WH: Ain't nobody jealous of some English girl that can't sing!!
KC: Well, actually ... NO, NO Don't hang up. I'm sorry. You've got her beat by a ... by a ... well, there is no voice there. It's not even a competition. Anyway, Whitney you know this is what I do. I have leading ladies, and I flirt. It's true. But there is a time when all of that stops. We talked about that years ago when you walked away from me.
WH: Yeah, we talked about it. I knew you were running your 'flirting' game on me.
KC: I was not running a game. Why do you keep saying that? We're bonded for life. And if anybody takes the time to ask me, really ask me, I'll praise you to the heavens.
WH: Man, that's disrespectful to your first wife.
KC: Well, unfortunately, I pretty much saw that was ... for some reason that I don't know now it all ended. But men can get second chances at love. I haven't felt that for the last couple of girlfriends. Third chances, I'm not sure. I shouldn't have let you walk away from me.
WH: I was engaged. You had no say so.
KC: If I could do it over again, I'd tell the whole world to take a hike and never let you go.
WH: You would not.
KC: I would tell them that you're my second chance, my sweet miracle. I'd tell them you're as beautiful as a woman can be, that even God himself can't believe how he made something so perfect.
WH: (sniffs)
KC: Does what's his name ever tell you that?
WH: Let's not talk about him. Not today.
KC: OK! I'll take it. It's a start.

WH: (Picks up phone) Oh. Hey.
KC: Good morning, Whitney.
WH: (Silent)
KC: Come on. Let's not go this route.
WH: I can't believe you have the *********g nerve to call me after what you did. You low-down dirty ...
KC: Is that Whitney talking?! Sweet little Baptist Whitney? I guess I shouldn't be surprised. I hardly recognized you when I saw you.
WH: I will turn it around on you. Who told you to do that? Who told you to gang up on me with my mother, and show up at my house with armed police?!
KC: Hey, listen! I took a HUGE risk coming out to see you. And what I saw nearly killed me. It's worse than I thought. You look like you haven't eaten in a month, nervous—
WH: Stop making this about me!! What you did was not nice. And now I can't even leave the house. I have a couple hours left to pack. I have to say goodbye to Bobbi Kristina, I have to say goodbye to everything to go that that damned place where they treat you like a sicko.
KC: It's a sickness, Whitney, and you have to get a hold of it.
WH: But did you really need to run up on my property and start that mess?
KC: I didn't start anything! It was that ... that ... person you married who came flying at me. Like a chump, too, after the police left.
WH: That's because when he saw YOU, he went nuts. That always happens, and I TOLD you that. We can't talk about Kevin. We can't never invite Kevin to do anything. We can't take pictures with Kevin. And by the way, I'm still hearing it about taking a picture with you and Elton at the Oscars. Dammit, Kevin. He smashed all The Bodyguard DVDs. He shredded all the movie posters. I told you he can't stand yo @ss and you come to my house. With my mother.
KC: I had to knock him down. He came at me. Whitney, if I knew you were living under that pressure before this I would have told you to get out way before all this. Maybe hired MORE bodyguards to drag him to the kitchen for a—
WH: Frank Farmer style whup@ss. Yeah, whatever. You ain't Gotti. You would not have done all that. And what you mean 'if you knew'? Don't you read the papers?
KC: You HATE it when people read the papers about you! Come on, Whitney. Be reasonable. Your mother cares. Your friends care. Your whole family cares, and I care.
WH: I don't need to go to a facility for a bad habit.
KC: It is NOT a bad habit. It's an express ticket to heaven. Do you understand what I'm telling you?! And like I said, it's not about me. You need to do this and you need to do it Cissy's way, like she said. Do you know how hard it must have been for her to confront you like that? Risk one tiny bit of hate and resentment from her crown jewel, just to give you a chance to get well? Trust your mom on this. Go get well. And you can beat me up the next time you see me.
WH: The next time you see me, don't be acting shady. Don't plot behind my back, show up at my house and push all up in my business, coming hard like that.
KC: (chuckles)
WH: Get your *********g mind out the gutter! You nnaaasty!

KC: (knocks the door) Hello Whitney. Can I come in?
WH: Yeah sure.
KC: (step in) You look great, as usual.
WH: Thank you. You're not so bad yourself.
KC: OK, Whit. Today we're working on the scene by the pool, where Rachel makes a case to attend the Oscar awards ceremony.
WH: She's going to have to work overtime to convince him, right.
KC: Yeah, and it's a tender moment, where she explains what's really on her mind and why it's so important. No fighting, no bickering, just heart to heart talking.
WH: That's muuuuch better than having to slap you.
KC: Hey, it's a sacrifice I was willing to make.
WH: Oh, stop smiling. Let's get started.
KC: OK, so I'm not totally alright with all the distance between them during that conversation. They need to sit a little closer to each other, like so ... (takes her hand and moves her closer)
WH: So what happens when they kiss?
KC: This ... (moves her head with his forehead. Puts his arm around her shoulder) And then he sort of opens hr mouth ... and moves in for a kiss. Like this.
WH: (after a few minutes) That's a little uncomfortable. How else can you hold me?
KC: Well, let's sit on the plush rug over there. (so they go to the rug) Alright, I'm going to move in, start to kiss you, then lean you back and keep kissing. That sound OK?
WH: I don't know. It might seem like he's pushing, not leaning. Why not put your arm around me and pull me under you. That sound OK?
KC: Well, OK. Let's see how that would work. (so they try it. Kevin gets pretty involved, moving WH's mouth open, slowly. And then she pushes him off.
WH: No tongue!
KC: There was tongue? Hey, I'm sorry. force of habit. Let's try it once more before going on set.
WH: OK. (this time Whitney gets involved, but KC doesn't pull away or stop. He's enjoying this more.) Well (KC kisses her again) I think we have to (KC holds the back of her head still and goes in again) wrap it up.
KC: (Pauses) But did you like the way I opened your mouth?
WH: That's too close to tongue.
KC: Open-mouth kisses are half way between those super-chaste ones you like-
WH: (laughs) and the super hot, 'I forgot I'm married' French ones you like to give out.
KC: So does that mean you think I'm a super hot kisser? (Smiles broadly)
WH: N-No. You're my boss. It's weird to think about making out with your boss.
KC: You are Rachel, making out with Frank Farmer. (Pulls her in close, leans over her) Your boss only shows up to take care of you, and make sure you don't look silly. And you won't; I promise. That sound good?
WH: (nods. Looks directly at Kevin. Then she reaches up, puts her hand behind his head, and pulls his mouth to hers.)

WH: (leans back on her bed) Thanks mama. (Cissy spreads a blanket on her daughter.)
CH: You want anything else to drink? I'll get you some water.
WH: (nods. Then there is a knock at the door)
CH: I'll get it, baby. You stay there. (opens the door and Costner comes in)
Cissy & Whitney: Oh, good evening ...
Cissy: Mr. Costner
WH: Kevin
KC: Good evening Cissy. It's good to see you. I heard about what happened, Whitney. How are you feeling? (walks over to her bed and slips her hand in his.
WH: It's painful. But I'll be alright. Bobby is supposed to be on his way now. I'll be OK. (glances at her mother and pulls her hand out of Kevin's)
KC: Do you need anything? The doctor came to see you. What about a nurse?
CH: I'm on shift tonight.
KC: Of course. Nothing beats mom's touch. I just meant if you wanted an extra hand.
CH: Whatever Whitney wants is fine.
WH: Mama, Kevin, I'm OK. The doctor saw me; I have my mama. I'm fine. Please don't fuss.
KC: Well, you have to take the day off tomorrow.
WH: I will not. I don't want the whole operation to come to a halt because of me.
KC: You will take the day off, Whit. Come on. You can't get up and around like this right away. One day off won't kill the operation.
CH: Maybe just one day, baby. If he's offering it.
WH: No. I don't want to lay around thinking about dead babies. How is that supposed to help me? No. I'll go back to work; it's my choice.
KC: No. I have a say, too. I said I'd look after you, and I will. (grabs her hand again. Cissy notices)
WH: If you want to look after me, then you will listen, Kev.
CH: Maybe he's right, baby. Just one day.
WH: No! I told y'all I don't want to lay around thinking about this. (Starts to tear up. Covers her face)
KC: OK, Whit. If that's what you want. I'll support that. You sure you want to be on set tomorrow?
WH: YES! I told you. (starts sobbing)
CH: (Brings Whitney some water. To Kevin) Maybe just let her do it. Working sometimes helps the mind stay off its problems.
KC: Yes ma'am. But I'm reluctant, and if I so much as see or hear that you're not well, Whitney ...
WH: I'll be OK. (wipes her tears)
KC: Alright. I'm leaving. We'll start with the scene where you're at the dressing table and you answer the stalker's call, thinking it's Fletcher.
WH: (Nods)
KC: (Gets up) Well, good night. I have to call Cindy and the kids. Good night Whitney.
WH: Nods, dabbing her face with a tissue.
KC: Good night, ma'am.
CH: Good night, Kevin.


The phone call scene is shot.
Director: Looks good everybody. That's a wrap! We're done for the day.
(everyone breaks up and leaves the set)
WH: We're all done? But I thought we had three other scenes to do?
Director: Nope. We're done. Came from the brass at WB, over Kevin's head.
WH: Oh. OK.
(later, in her trailer, KC, CH and WH)
WH: Did you do that?
KC: Do what?
WH: Shorten everyone's workday and tell them to go home early.
Kc: No way. My partners made that call.
WH: I wonder why.
KC: Oh, come on, Whitney! Your hands were shaking. I saw. You're not 100%. What did you expect me to do? Watch you pass out?
WH: I will not pass out!
KC: Anyway, what's done is done. There won't be any shooting for the rest of the day. (moves really close to her and holds her by the arms) Now I want you please, please, please get back to your suite, lay down and rest.
WH: (rolls her eyes)
KC: There won't be any practicing, rehearsing or anything. Just take it easy.
CH: I have to agree, sweetheart. There is no use. There is nothing left to do today anyway. (she puts her arm around Whitney's waist)
WH: Fine. FINE! (she pushes his arms off her and Kevin flinches)
Cissy averts her eyes while Whitney and Kevin stare each other down.
KC: Okay, I'm leaving. I'll see you tomorrow morning, for a regular work day.
WH: That's right. All work.
(Cissy raises her eyebrows, but doesn't say a word.)
KC: Good day, ma'am (Cissy nods). Good day, Whitney.
WH: Yeah.

WH: (Pulls her shawl closer) This is good, taking a walk outside in the cool air. (Looks at KC, who's got a huge grin on his face) What is it?
KC: I know that this won't last. In the morning, you're gonna get me for flying across the dining room to be next to you. But I'd risk it; I'd risk a scolding from Whitney if she only answered one question:
WH: What question?
KC: Did you get my letters from three, four years ago? Someone who loves you very much approached me, with a hypothetical question and said: If you knew someone was in trouble, struggling with an addiction, would you write to that person to help her get the help she needs?
WH: What?! Someone did that for me? And you responded? (stops walking) You wrote me letters four years ago?
KC: I did. Part of me thought it was weird. Like, how did I land in the middle of your life like this? But if that person thought it would help, I agreed. Now I can see by your reaction that you didn't get them. And my visit, too, at your house that morning Cissy told you she meant business. I thought if you read the letters, and saw me at your house, you'd put it all together, and things would be different.
WH: OK, you have to spill it now, and break off this suspense. (laughs) You know I can't handle suspense. Either something is a secret or its not. Spill! (She tugs his arm) What was in them?
KC: (tugs at a leaf on a bush) To begin with, I asked you forgive me for intruding, but someone thought you needed help. Then I said I was surprised to hear about your issues, because I never saw any problems like that. I only saw what others saw. Then I started asking you 'when you look in the mirror, how could you not see what I see?'
WH: Well, what do you see?
KC: An amazing musical instrument that needed to be guarded and protected at all costs. I told you I saw a kind, warm, fun-loving women who couldn't help but make every guy around her fall in love with her. I told you that you were a precious treasure, worth more than anyone of us could ever calculate, and that it would be a shame to destroy all of that with drugs.
WH: Wow, Kevin. I had no idea. (pulls her shawl tighter around her shoulders)
KC: I also repeated, and I can't remember if this was the first or second letter, that I love you. Flat out love you, Whitney.
WH: Oh my God Kevin.
KC: I said you make me laugh, you make me cry, you're exhausting with your stubborn self, and I said I'd rather you tire me out than be with anyone else who you might look at and say: 'Yeah, she keeps him going.' But I also said you could never tire anyone out, because you're like the sun. You radiate life and beauty.
WH: No, I definitely did not get anything that said that. (Whitney stops and shakes her head.)
KC: I don't know if my letters were read, Whitney.
WH: (smirks uncomfortably) No amount of drinking or drugging would erase that memory.
KC: You shouldn't say those things about yourself, OK? I know you didn't want that for yourself, for Bobbi Kristina and your mom.
WH: Well, it's the truth. It's who I am, basically. I'm nothing more than a high-functioning ...
KC: No! You are not! See, this is what saddened me writing that letter. There you were, branding yourself as worthless, writing yourself off. (Puts a hand on her shoulder) I know you give a damn, and you don't want to self-destruct, but that you needed someone to lean on, a rock. Someone you could call your own. I said that too, and I asked you to let me be that person for you.
WH: That's too much.
KC: I asked you to leave Bobby. That he was sucking the life out of you, and anyone could see it. I told you I knew I had no right to ask that of a married woman, but that if you did that, I'd ... wait. I'd wait for you to be single, and I'd wait for you to get well. And if you needed help getting well, I'd be there.
WH: This is crazy!
KC: What would you have said if you read that?
WH: Well, I definitely wouldn't have been so mean to you the day after mama's SWAT team tactic. I would have listened. Someone took those letters, Kevin. If I remember rightly, ----- slipped an envelope in my overnight bag. She, she made a point that I saw it, and told me to look at it later. That overnight bag stayed in my room for hours, and then Bobby, for some reason, said he would bring my bags to the car for me. (Covers her mouth) That much I remember, because at that point, we were starting to really fall apart. Sometimes we would barely speak, and it seemed a little out of place that he would do anything nice or helpful or gentlemanly for me.
(They both stop walking, but KC is a little more agitated.)
KC: That sonofabitch! I'll bet he destroyed them.
WH: What if he read it, and then threatens to talk.
KC: If anyone saw those letters, both you and I would have been shaken down for money already. No, I bet he took one look at a fat note to his wife, from someone other than him, became jealous and irrational and destroyed it.
WH: I can't believe we had our chance.
KC: HAD? (Kevin holds her arm gently and pulls her closer)
WH: Well, Kevin, you're sort of locked down now. New wife, new life. And she looks like she'd love to have more kids. Once the little kids come into the picture, it's pretty much over.
KC: (Let's go of her arm and paces the spot where they are. His back is to her.) This is my fault. I'm the knucklehead. How could I waste all that time joking around and fooling around?
WH: (Touches his shoulder) Well ... (she's speechless.) It's partly my fault, too. For not seeing things that you've been straining to tell me for years.
KC: (Wipes his face) All I can tell you is that you're too special, too kind, too smart, too talented and too beautiful for me to just want to be your friend.
WH: (Turns him around) If being my friend is all I can get from you, all you can give, then I'll take it. (She moves in for a kiss, then pulls away.)
KC: That's some consolation prize.
WH: (Rests her head on his chest and hugs him) Well, that's all I have for you. And the next time I catch you getting out of line, I'm coming after you like any close friend would.
KC: (sniffs) Yeah. Well, I'm still gonna whup his @ss the next time I see him.
WH: No you won't. And don't ruin this mood.
KC: He's ruined every mood form now to eternity. I'm beatin' his @ss in the kitchen, Frank Farmer style.

WH: Boooby, can you help me hold my dress up?
BB: Sure thing, shortie. Whatever you need.
CH: Baby, you want me to hold your bag or anything, or do you have it?
WH: I'm alright for now, mama. Where's Daddy?
CH: He'll be right behind us, Nippy. OK, the car stopped. We're getting out now. Careful now, baby.
(They leave the car, flashbulbs and all that. The crowd goes nuts. Interviews. They see Magic Johnson. Then they get to Kevin and Cindy.)
KC: Here she comes, giving the moon competition.
Booooy: You callin' my girl fat?
(Kevin frowns. Cissy rolls her eyes.)
KC: Moonlight is the most romantic lighting ever known to man, if you ask me. She inspires, she makes guys crazy. You're stealing her glory in that dress, Whit.
Boooby: The kfcu does that mean? The moon is white and the dress is black and my girl is black.
Cindy: He means she looks nice in her dress. (she looks at Kevin, wide-eyed. Shakes her head.)
Boooby: Yeah, everybody look nice, I guess. That's good.
KC: Whitney, they want some photos. Let's all get together.
(They stand in this order: Boooby, Whitney, Kevin and Cindy.)
KC: (smiles at Whitney.) You're holding up?
WH: I'm doing great.
KC: How is she doing? Smiles at her belly.
WH: She wants a something to drink. Lemonade. I neeeed me some lemonade for some reason.
KC: Yeah, some reason. (smiles)
WH: (winces.)
KC: What's the matter?
Booooby: Hey, yo. What you lookin' at? Yeah, keep walking, punk @ss.
WH: Nothing. Boooby that was the mayor! Stop!
KC: You know that doesn't work on me.
WH: I just need a back rub. I'm a little tired. Bobby gives decent ones. These flats are helping, but it's not the same as being at home, on the couch with my feet up.
KC: OK, I'll try to shorten this for you.
WH: You don't have to ...
KC: You know I will.
WH: Look, you are not Warner Brothers. You can't make everybody go home early because your pregnant co-star is tired. It's premiere night. Time to get paid. (flinches) What are you doing?
KC: Nothing. Keep smiling.
WH: You -- are you rubbing my back?!
KC: Keep smiling. The media's all here. Snapping away.
WH: Watch your hands!
KC: I know what I'm doing. Smile!
WH: I bet you do. Stop it!
Boooby: Hey, can I get a Hennessy inside?
WH: I think there's a champagne reception later. At a restaurant.
Boooby: I need me some Hennessy!! What a n----- got to do to get some Hennessy up in here?
KC: We'll pull something together for you. (To Whitney) Feel better?
WH: I can't believe you got away with that.
KC: Skills, Whit. Skills.
CH: (Shakes head.)
WH: What is it mama?
CH: I love the Lord, I do. But He mess me up sometimes. Why dangle a nice Baptist boy in front of you if he's already taken?
WH: Umm, mama you saw?! Omigod, I'm sorry, mama.
CH: Who do you think was blocking the cameras? And your husband over there can't take his mind off of his own gut long enough to see about you. But that's all I'm gonna say, boo-boo, I know you don't like it. Give mama some sugar. Are you going to be alright? I'm going to find a glass of water.
WH: And maybe some lemonade for me, too, mama. Please.
KC: Got it. Water and lemonade are inside, waiting for you. The usher will have a tray when you walk in.
Boooby: She betta have my Hennessy, that's all I'm saying.

WH: Kevin! Over here, gimme a hug, you.
KC: (Hustles his daughter through the crowd a little quicker than usual.) Just be cool. She's a great lady. Doesn't bite.
AC: I know how to be cool, Dad.
WH: Hey! (Hugs Kevin) And who is your lovely date?
KC: This is Annie, my daughter.
WH: (Taps Annie's arm) Your Dad bragged about you all the time on the set, girl. I can see he left out how gorgeous you are. What a outfit. Is the shawl Indian?
AC: Yes, my mom helped me put it together.
WH: Bless her heart. You look fantastic.
AC: I really liked your song. And it won! Is Mariah Carey really nice? Everybody says you two are rivals and hate each other. But you sat together and looked friendly.
WH: Thank you, dear. Mariah is my lamb chop! She is a sweet, gifted lady and everything negative people read about us is a pack of lies. They're trying to sell papers, that's all. You want me to get you her autograph? Maybe she's around here and we can take a picture all together.
KC: Ummm, hello?
WH: What? Excuse me, you need to learn to share. This is her time.
KC: (Rolls eyes) You ladies want anything to drink? Since I'm just the waiter.
(So he gets them things to drink. Champagne for Whitney; gingerale for Annie. Time passes. Whitney's nicer.)
KC: You look amazing; you haven't changed at all.
WH: Well, running here and there doing movies, soundtracks, touring. It helps me burn the calories. And running after Krissy half the time.
KC: Are you here the whole weekend, or ...
WH: (Rolls eyes.) Forget it, Kevin.
KC: Forget what?! I have no motives. Man, a guy can't make pleasant conversation any more without ...?
WH: And next it's 'where you stayin'? You ain't got game! Not with Whitney.
KC: Oh, my Lord. Why do I always walk away from a conversation with you feeling like I've just had my ear twisted.
WH: You deserve it. You earn it every time. You were straight gripping me while Elton was setting up that photo. My God, Kevin, I think you pulled me so tight the color of my gown rubbed off on your tux. You can see my body print, right there.
KC: You're overreacting, as usual. Let's go out on the terrace to talk.
WH: That's cool. Annie's alright here inside?
KC: Yeah, she's fine. She found one of the animators for "Prince of Egypt." And I tipped my guy to keep an eye out. Let's go.
WH: She's a beautiful girl, and I hope you taught her how to flip a guy over her shoulders if he gets fresh. In fact, if you move your hand any lower, I may have to demonstrate on her father.

Part II

WH: (sitting down) Here it comes.
KC: Here what comes? What do you mean by that?
WH: The 'how aaare you?' speech. (rolls eyes)
KC: Guilty. I've heard some things and I wanted to ask you about them.
WH: If they are about B, just don't get too deep, not tonight. I just want to talk to my friend.
KC: Your friend just wants to know if you’re being looked after the way you deserve. Actually, let me rephrase that, because that guy doesn’t seem like he knows which way to turn half the time. Is he at least trying?
WH: Well, yeah. You know. (tears well up) I mean … dammit, Kevin, Here? Your daughter is looking.
KC: (waves A over, points to a seat near them. Watches her sit down.) I didn't mean to make you cry. (hands her a handkerchief)
WH: I am not crying. Even if you do remind me of my father, the way you are with A.
KC: Uh oh. First the friend box, then the family box. This isn't going the right way, Whitney. (huge grin)
WH: (laughs) I meant that my Dad always looked out for me, like you are with A now. Before my Dad walked me down the aisle, he mentioned you a little. He said you were cool and he heard how you really looked after me on the Bodyguard set. Thought you were really cool. And as we were walking down the aisle, he told me that it was the hardest thing he ever had to do, and that B, had better take care of me.
KC: I can tell that he's not doing his job. (strokes her arm)
WH: No marriage is perfect, K. I had that feeling, you know, in the beginning, with B. But that went away. He’s not 100% bad, but I think those feelings usually fade away, in time. You just have to adjust and muddle through, I guess.
KC: Whit, you’re wrong. (looks directly at her) There are some feelings that never, ever fade. They don’t thin out, get warped, corrode, nothing. They’re just as solid and new as they were the first day when you saw her.
WH: Anyway, we should go. This party is the worst place to talk about this. I wish this settee were someplace else …
KC: I have a house in the area with magnificent patio furniture. You can come on over, sit right here (slaps his lap) and talk all night if you need to.
WH: Zero to score in 60 seconds. Ugh.
KC: You’re wrong. I’m an old romantic. Everything you’ve heard about me pouncing everything from here to New York to Paris is nonsense. A pack of lies to sell papers, as Whitney likes to put it. (He pulls her to stand up and reaches into his breast pocket.) I have to take A home. School tomorrow. But you should meet me in one hour here.
WH: What? You have it all written out. You’re so corny.
KC: Romantic (taps her nose) Read what it says.
WH: (Shakes her head and smiles) That’s cute. Clever.

Couple of hours later, back at his house. They’re on a settee, on his terrace, sitting close near a fire in a pit. Kevin’s arm is around Whitney, who is leaning her head on his shoulder. They’re holding hands over her shoulder; their fingers are laced.
WH: It actually worked.
KC: Why wouldn’t it? Who would put that together at this point? The movie was a while ago.
WH: Nosy reporters, that’s who. ‘Tell the guard it’s Rachel Farmer to see Kevin Costner.’ That’s what your note said. I didn’t think it would work, but it did …
KC: (he moves in for a kiss. They kiss for a while) Your problem is trust. You need to learn to count on me a bit more. I mean, I carried you out here, didn't I? Even though you trashed my kitchen on the way through the house.
WH: I did not TRASH your kitchen. Nobody told you to carry me inside and walk through the house with the lights off. Why would you do that?
KC: I don't know. Something about Whitney in a white dress and Kevin in a tux. Told you I'm an old romantic. (scoops her into his lap. More kissing and hand-holding.)
WH: Just put me back over there. (points to the seat next to him.)
KC: (holds her tighter.) No way! I’ve waited 7 years for this. You want to go upstairs, take your shoes off … ?
KC: No. Stay where you are. I know this is hard for you, but stop being so perfect. And so chaste. At least with me, anyway.
WH: We all know I’m not perfect. How many times do I need to tell people I’m just a regular, round-the-way girl from Newark, New …
KC: You are NOT a regular anything!
WH: It’s all a creation. I have failings like anybody else. You shouldn’t build me up too much. I’ll crash down.
KC: Well, if you don't want to be perfect, then be a little selfish, like everybody else. (more kissing) And if you let me, I’ll catch you if you fall.

Last edited by 80s90sIsTheBest; 04-27-2012 at 09:02 PM
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Old 04-20-2012, 03:29 PM
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I don't think she invited him to make it easy on herself emotionally. I think most that showed up needed to see it for themselves and the others hoping against hope that it would some how work.
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Old 04-20-2012, 03:31 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
I don't think she invited him to make it easy on herself emotionally. I think most that showed up needed to see it for themselves and the others hoping against hope that it would some how work.
that could be too.
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Old 04-20-2012, 03:31 PM
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Filming started in 1991 near the end. The studio has to have enough time to edit, call back cast in the event something is wrong and then it has to be sensored.
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Old 04-20-2012, 03:33 PM
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Originally Posted by AchrisL (View Post)
Filming started in 1991 near the end. The studio has to have enough time to edit, call back cast in the event something is wrong and then it has to be sensored.
wow okay that's early.
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Old 04-20-2012, 04:16 PM
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Its so nice to see this thread still going strong. #9, I can't believe it, it's amazing! I haven't posted on here in awhile, I have been lurking though and it's been hard to keep up with all the threads. I just love that Kevney is so popular, they are the main reason I watch the movie, love the movie and own it. Keep it up guys! I will definitely try to post more, I just HOPE I can keep up,
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Old 04-20-2012, 04:23 PM
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Why he didn't throw rice

It's also possible that KC did not attend the wedding because he needed to handle post-production issues with the movie. Getting Cindy to fly across the country with him to Whitney's funeral might have been a tough sell, too, with 3 kids to get situated and a wobbly marriage to tend to. His plate was prolly full. But maybe he got her something nice off of the registry.
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Old 04-20-2012, 04:25 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
It's also possible that KC did not attend the wedding because he needed to handle post-production issues with the movie. Getting Cindy to fly across the country with him to Whitney's funeral might have been a tough sell, too, with 3 kids to get situated and a wobbly marriage to tend to. His plate was prolly full. But maybe he got her something nice off of the registry.
that's...possible too I would've never thought of that. We just don't know, but it's fun to speculate on why.
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Old 04-20-2012, 05:54 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
It's also possible that KC did not attend the wedding because he needed to handle post-production issues with the movie.
That's definitely possible (although not nearly as fun/romantic as speculating that he skipped the wedding because he was reeling over the loss of his beloved)

BUT - strictly from a movie point of view, think about the advanced buzz/hype his attendance would have created for the movie several months before its release. So there would have been professional reasons for him to attend.

Originally Posted by EricaCallieShipper (View Post)
We just don't know, but it's fun to speculate on why.
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Old 04-20-2012, 06:36 PM
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The Bodyguard... I really like the scene in the boutique where Louise tells Rachel to take it all darling. It makes me laugh everytime.

This is funny guys. He's telling the story of two socks.

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Old 04-20-2012, 06:46 PM
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My Back Hurts

Well, I'd prefer to speculate on what they said to each other during and after The Bodyguard premiere.

WH: Boooby, can you help me hold my dress up?
BB: Sure thing, shortie. Whatever you need.
CH: Baby, you want me to hold your bag or anything, or do you have it?
WH: I'm alright for now, mama. Where's Daddy?
CH: He'll be right behind us, Nippy. OK, the car stopped. We're getting out now. Careful now, baby.
(They leave the car, flashbulbs and all that. The crowd goes nuts. Interviews. They see Magic Johnson. Then they get to Kevin and Cindy.)
KC: Here she comes, giving the moon competition.
Booooy: You callin' my girl fat?
(Kevin frowns. Cissy rolls her eyes.)
KC: Moonlight is the most romantic lighting ever known to man, if you ask me. She inspires, she makes guys crazy. You're stealing her glory in that dress, Whit.
Boooby: The kfcu does that mean? The moon is white and the dress is black and my girl is black.
Cindy: He means she looks nice in her dress. (she looks at Kevin, wide-eyed. Shakes her head.)
Boooby: Yeah, everybody look nice, I guess. That's good.
KC: Whitney, they want some photos. Let's all get together.
(They stand in this order: Boooby, Whitney, Kevin and Cindy.)
KC: (smiles at Whitney.) You're holding up?
WH: I'm doing great.
KC: How is she doing? Smiles at her belly.
WH: She wants a something to drink. Lemonade. I neeeed me some lemonade for some reason.
KC: Yeah, some reason. (smiles)
WH: (winces.)
KC: What's the matter?
Booooby: Hey, yo. What you lookin' at? Yeah, keep walking, punk @ss.
WH: Nothing. Boooby that was the mayor! Stop!
KC: You know that doesn't work on me.
WH: I just need a back rub. I'm a little tired. Bobby gives decent ones. These flats are helping, but it's not the same as being at home, on the couch with my feet up.
KC: OK, I'll try to shorten this for you.
WH: You don't have to ...
KC: You know I will.
WH: Look, you are not Warner Brothers. You can't make everybody go home early because your pregnant co-star is tired. It's premiere night. Time to get paid. (flinches) What are you doing?
KC: Nothing. Keep smiling.
WH: You -- are you rubbing my back?!
KC: Keep smiling. The media's all here. Snapping away.
WH: Watch your hands!
KC: I know what I'm doing. Smile!
WH: I bet you do. Stop it!
Boooby: Hey, can I get a Hennessy inside?
WH: I think there's a champagne reception later. At a restaurant.
Boooby: I need me some Hennessy!! What a n----- got to do to get some Hennessy up in here?
KC: We'll pull something together for you. (To Whitney) Feel better?
WH: I can't believe you got away with that.
KC: Skills, Whit. Skills.
CH: (Shakes head.)
WH: What is it mama?
CH: I love the Lord, I do. But He mess me up sometimes. Why dangle a nice Baptist boy in front of you if he's already taken?
WH: Umm, mama you saw?! Omigod, I'm sorry, mama.
CH: Who do you think was blocking the cameras? And your husband over there can't take his mind off of his own gut long enough to see about you. But that's all I'm gonna say, boo-boo, I know you don't like it. Give mama some sugar. Are you going to be alright? I'm going to find a glass of water.
WH: And maybe some lemonade for me, too, mama. Please.
KC: Got it. Water and lemonade are inside, waiting for you. The usher will have a tray when you walk in.
Boooby: She betta have my Hennessy, that's all I'm saying.
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Old 04-20-2012, 08:20 PM
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Great job again- that was funny!!

Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
Well, I'd prefer to speculate on what they said to each other during and after The Bodyguard premiere.

WH: Boooby, can you help me hold my dress up?
BB: Sure thing, shortie. Whatever you need.
CH: Baby, you want me to hold your bag or anything, or do you have it?
WH: I'm alright for now, mama. Where's Daddy?
CH: He'll be right behind us, Nippy. OK, the car stopped. We're getting out now. Careful now, baby.
(They leave the car, flashbulbs and all that. The crowd goes nuts. Interviews. They see Magic Johnson. Then they get to Kevin and Cindy.)
KC: Here she comes, giving the moon competition.
Booooy: You callin' my girl fat?
(Kevin frowns. Cissy rolls her eyes.)
KC: Moonlight is the most romantic lighting ever known to man, if you ask me. She inspires, she makes guys crazy. You're stealing her glory in that dress, Whit.
Boooby: The kfcu does that mean? The moon is white and the dress is black and my girl is black.
Cindy: He means she looks nice in her dress. (she looks at Kevin, wide-eyed. Shakes her head.)
Boooby: Yeah, everybody look nice, I guess. That's good.
KC: Whitney, they want some photos. Let's all get together.
(They stand in this order: Boooby, Whitney, Kevin and Cindy.)
KC: (smiles at Whitney.) You're holding up?
WH: I'm doing great.
KC: How is she doing? Smiles at her belly.
WH: She wants a something to drink. Lemonade. I neeeed me some lemonade for some reason.
KC: Yeah, some reason. (smiles)
WH: (winces.)
KC: What's the matter?
Booooby: Hey, yo. What you lookin' at? Yeah, keep walking, punk @ss.
WH: Nothing. Boooby that was the mayor! Stop!
KC: You know that doesn't work on me.
WH: I just need a back rub. I'm a little tired. Bobby gives decent ones. These flats are helping, but it's not the same as being at home, on the couch with my feet up.
KC: OK, I'll try to shorten this for you.
WH: You don't have to ...
KC: You know I will.
WH: Look, you are not Warner Brothers. You can't make everybody go home early because your pregnant co-star is tired. It's premiere night. Time to get paid. (flinches) What are you doing?
KC: Nothing. Keep smiling.
WH: You -- are you rubbing my back?!
KC: Keep smiling. The media's all here. Snapping away.
WH: Watch your hands!
KC: I know what I'm doing. Smile!
WH: I bet you do. Stop it!
Boooby: Hey, can I get a Hennessy inside?
WH: I think there's a champagne reception later. At a restaurant.
Boooby: I need me some Hennessy!! What a n----- got to do to get some Hennessy up in here?
KC: We'll pull something together for you. (To Whitney) Feel better?
WH: I can't believe you got away with that.
KC: Skills, Whit. Skills.
CH: (Shakes head.)
WH: What is it mama?
CH: I love the Lord, I do. But He mess me up sometimes. Why dangle a nice Baptist boy in front of you if he's already taken?
WH: Umm, mama you saw?! Omigod, I'm sorry, mama.
CH: Who do you think was blocking the cameras? And your husband over there can't take his mind off of his own gut long enough to see about you. But that's all I'm gonna say, boo-boo, I know you don't like it. Give mama some sugar. Are you going to be alright? I'm going to find a glass of water.
WH: And maybe some lemonade for me, too, mama. Please.
KC: Got it. Water and lemonade are inside, waiting for you. The usher will have a tray when you walk in.
Boooby: She betta have my Hennessy, that's all I'm saying.
Great Job!! I was laughing throughout the entire convo. LOL at Booby obsessing about the Hennessy, and Kevin getting away with rubbing pregnant Whitney's back at the premiere with only Cissy catching that hidden act. Awesome!!!
Gobsamcked82, here is an idea for another convo: 1999 Oscar after-party that Kevin attended with his daughter (Kevin actually attended the entire Oscars ceremony as I remember seeing footage of him and his daughter being interviewed on the Red Carpet by Joan Rivers- and he probably made sure to come because he knew Whitney was going to sing with Mariah that day) and there is a picture with him, his daughter, Whitney and Elton John. What if Kevin brought his daughter to meet Whitney because she is a big Whitney fan and also knows her dad is in love with Whitney because when she goes to visit him, he is always listening to a bunch of Whitney Houston's songs or watching The Bodyguard etc... So she wished Whitney and her dad hook up and Kevin brings her to butter up his case for Whitney to leave Booby and get together with him (I believe by 1999 there was already trouble in her marriage). Do you think you can work with this idea?? I KNOW YOU CAN!! LOL Thanks in advance.
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:00 PM
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Originally Posted by whitney&kevinforever (View Post)
Great Job!! I was laughing throughout the entire convo. LOL at Booby obsessing about the Hennessy, and Kevin getting away with rubbing pregnant Whitney's back at the premiere with only Cissy catching that hidden act. Awesome!!!
Gobsamcked82, here is an idea for another convo: 1999 Oscar after-party that Kevin attended with his daughter (Kevin actually attended the entire Oscars ceremony as I remember seeing footage of him and his daughter being interviewed on the Red Carpet by Joan Rivers- and he probably made sure to come because he knew Whitney was going to sing with Mariah that day) and there is a picture with him, his daughter, Whitney and Elton John. What if Kevin brought his daughter to meet Whitney because she is a big Whitney fan and also knows her dad is in love with Whitney because when she goes to visit him, he is always listening to a bunch of Whitney Houston's songs or watching The Bodyguard etc... So she wished Whitney and her dad hook up and Kevin brings her to butter up his case for Whitney to leave Booby and get together with him (I believe by 1999 there was already trouble in her marriage). Do you think you can work with this idea?? I KNOW YOU CAN!! LOL Thanks in advance.
I'm glad you like it. Thanks!
I won't need to do another part. And yeah, I wondered what might have gone down the night of the 1999 Oscar parties. He must have barely been able to conceal his glee at seeing her in that beautiful white dress up on stage. I'll try to squeeze an Oscar after party out this weekend. I'll work in the part about his daughter being a fan, because which girl in the world did not like Whitney Houston? But not so sure about her dreaming of her Dad hooking up with WH. Children of divorce often wish for years after that their parents had stayed together. You don't mind, right?
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Old 04-20-2012, 09:17 PM
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I found this great interrview of Kevin & Whitney talking about the building relationshio of Frank 7 rachel. Now if I could just find part 2.

The Bodyguard (1992) - Interview - Part 2 - YouTube

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Old 04-20-2012, 09:35 PM
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Originally Posted by GobSmacked82 (View Post)
I'm glad you like it. Thanks!
I won't need to do another part. And yeah, I wondered what might have gone down the night of the 1999 Oscar parties. He must have barely been able to conceal his glee at seeing her in that beautiful white dress up on stage. I'll try to squeeze an Oscar after party out this weekend. I'll work in the part about his daughter being a fan, because which girl in the world did not like Whitney Houston? But not so sure about her dreaming of her Dad hooking up with WH. Children of divorce often wish for years after that their parents had stayed together. You don't mind, right?
No I don't mind. Thanks a bunch!!
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